We parents have the knowledge, experience, faith and do our best to pass it on to our children. It is amazing how sincere and pure children are and how naturally they accept God and his Word. Before we know it we can learn a lot from them!
One evening this summer as I was saying prayers with my son, I prayed for our loved ones and told Alistair we will pray for Daddy who is faraway alone. He quickly sat up in his bed and loudly exclaimed "Alone?! Alone? He is not alone! God is with him!" It is just a small example how the truths we teach our children are being put into practice. A child knows God is always with us, he also believes it. It was a strong reminder to me that night to believe and trust that God would protect my husband.
The path to God's Kingdom is the path to the Kingdom of Love and our children intuitively choose that path. It is the adults who so often forget it and make it a life goal to make a career or get rich. What a wonderful time childhood is. It is a time we sow the seeds of faith in our children's hearts. A child is a most enthusiastic learner who eagerly takes in and believes the biblical truths. When we instill in the child that the most important thing in life is to love God and people, he will live it.
I recall reading the Bible with my daughter when she was two. As I was reading the story, I explained if one believes in the Son of God, one will go to Heaven. "I do!" she exclaimed although I did not personally ask her. It is easy for children to believe! Jesus knew that children can accept and believe Him with great purity. But it is our responsibility to introduce them to Him.
Let us model God’s love to our children and sow the seeds of faith and truth. And let us learn to trust as children do.
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